New York

Dialing 911 on any phone, wireless or landline, is free and will connect you with local police, fire, and ambulance services.

In New York State it is illegal to use your cellular telephone while operating a motor vehicle or riding a bicycle, unless it is a hands-free phone. Violators should expect hefty fines, although enforcement varies widely across the state. Texting while driving is also prohibited.

Deer are very common in New York and pose a threat to motorists, more so at night. Reduce your speed in suburban and rural neighborhoods at night to reduce the chance of an accident.

Don't approach wild animals, especially ones that are acting unusually friendly or confused. Rabies outbreaks in animals do occasionally occur. If bitten, especially by a racoon, bat, skunk, fox or dog, seek medical attention immediately.

Upstate New York contains a few species of poisonous snakes, such as the Copperhead, the Eastern Massasauga and the Timber Rattlesnake. Although it is uncommon to encounter these snakes, seek medical attention if bitten immediately.

Also beware of the Black Widow spider, and seek medical attention if bitten.


English is spoken throughout the state, as expected. Other languages can be found with varying degrees of regularity in scattered pockets across the state, particularly German, Italian, and Polish. French is sometimes heard in the North Country, due to proximity to Canada, and Spanish is common wherever Hispanics live.